Saturday, March 7, 2009

Third Time's the Charm

I am in raptures... oh my God, the manuscript is good... it's really good! I have gone back to the beginning and started prior to the previous opener with a couple of new chapters. I think this has really helped with exposition, as well as given a better flow to the action. Now I just have to revise what's already there. I'm confident everything will go much more smoothly working from a better beginning. This is my second draft... sort of... because I restarted the first draft halfway through and completely re-did the whole concept. I can't believe how much better things are the third time around.

"If at first you don't succeed, revise, revise again!"


Myra McEntire said...

I clicked on your profile bc you seconded my question about endings at Nathan Bransford's blog. I also just finished my first fantasy novel, I am a wife and a mom, and I LOVE The Philadelphia Story (and I am also revising. I sort of love to revise. It's kind of a problem.). Nice to meet you! I hope Nathan gives us a stellar answer...

Tricia Goyer said...

Hi Christine!

Thanks for stopping by my blog, My Writing Mentor.

I suggest Susan’s My Book Therapy sessions and Mary DeMuth’s The Writing Spa

Tricia Goyer said...
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Myra McEntire said...

Hey Lady! Loved your comments! Kindred spirits - I think we might be! Do you Facebook? I'd leave my full name but I can't remember if you moderate comments. I do (Facebook and moderate comments) if you want to befriend me...